About Us

System Integrator Roots

You may not know this, but Timebase was born out of the System Integrator world. We have seen how much data is collected at the control system layer but isn't used to effectively provide decision support to managers and executives.

There is a wealth of insight going to waste. Our customers were asking for solutions to provide them access to information, not just data!

So, we built Timebase to easily access, clean, and transform our customers’ data into analytics-ready information.

End-User Experience

A number of our founders and employees have come from the the other side of the fence, the End-User side.

We have seen and felt the frustration of not having information easily accessible. We know the pain of spending hours collating and manually capturing data from different places into one massive, unmanageable spreadsheet, praying it won't become corrupt before the next executive meeting.

So, we built Timebase to solve the data problems we experienced and still experience!

Our True North


To inspire enterprises to do more with their data.


Empowering enterprises to set bolder information management aspirations.


Simple, easy-to-use software that enables analytics-ready information.